All You Need Is Love


So, me and Jill were talking about the Dave Matthews Video we watched in church.  I asked her if she thought that people understood the purpose.  It was not just to show a video, fill time in the service.  To me, that video shows something were should all be doing as Christians on a regular basis, sharing love.  If you remember correctly, our hero sets out to spread love.  At first he is rejected, but slowly, one by one, people start to accept the love he is giving.  Suddenly it is a big deal.  People could even be seeking out his love.  And then to me is the most profound thing, these people start sharing love with others too.

It's not super deep to get the concept.  We are here to be real, tangible expressions of God's love on earth.  Jesus came down here, and started loving on people.  We have been loved by Him.  Now our job is to continue that love.  Everything we do is a way to give someone a glimpse into the love of God.  

We as a church culture can easily understand the jargon of "love of God."  But how can people in a dying world start to understand without real visible examples of that love.  I'm looking forward to CT08:S.  This is a real way to reach our community.  But if we as a church stop there, and simply say to ourselves, "I can't wait until CT09!" then we've missed our purpose.  We need to make spreading God's love in our world our top priority.  Nothing should be more important.

Dave says in the song, "All you need is, what you want is, all you need is love."  That is a cry from this world.  People are longing for love and acceptance.  They try to find in ways that are not God's way.  We as the church need to show them God's love, EVERYDAY! 

Comment (1)

i missed this during service, so thanks for posting the link. i posted it on my FB profile. a great vid to share. plus i love DMB...