9:57 PM
So tonight begins Orange Conference 09. I love the way these leaders look at their faith, and their role in extending their faith to others. Reggie Joiner talked tonight about opening it up, understanding the we are not trying to get families perfect, but we are just trying to help people understand that they are a part of a larger story.
He talked about Deuteronomy and the passage that is know by the Jews at the Shema. "The Lord our God is One. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, and with all strength... For I Am the Lord Your God, who brought you out of Eygpt."
This got me thinking a little bit. Moses is giving a farewell address to Israel, and it always comes back to the fact that God brought them out of Egypt. Israel understood they were the next step in larger story. They always described God, Yahweh, in terms of what He had done. He was the God of their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They constantly looked at Him in terms of His promises, plans, and actions.
How do we now look at God? I'd like to think that I understand where I fit. I do see the things God has done, showing His power and grace. But I need to live like I am the next chapter of the story. I need to be open to what God can do through me to continue His plans of redemption for our culture.
I see God working in what is called "Redemption History." He wants to restore mankind to the relationship he had in Eden. It's about restoring the relationship with God and man. I want to spend my life as that message.
I'm excited about what the next two days hold for me. I'm excited about seeing what God is doing. And like Bono says, I want to find what God is doing, and do that, because you know that is blessed.
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