The 10 Things I Learned On Memorial Day Weekend (And Should Have Twittered About)


I probably could have Twittered these 10 things during the weekend, but regrettably I did not. But I feel strongly that these 10 things will leave you with knowledge that you had never considered before, maybe even about yourself.

10) The word "Amen" can be used as a synonym for the following: Yes. Thank You. Umm. Uhh. Also. I don't know what to say right now. Is it almost time for the reception. Next. Go Reds. (I had never heard amen so many times in my life).

9) IKEA is only fun when you get Swedish meatballs at the halfway point. We went to get some baby stuff. Jill also had wanted to get some curtains on sale for 10 bucks. But we went on Saturday and they were only on sale on Sunday. So I went by myself on Sunday, also not as fun. People looking for sale items are crazy.

8) In a related topic, I always pick the longest line for check out. Or the person in front of me always has a major problem or meltdown or they can't read prices on things. And I have the problem of being too nice. I just wait. I could switch lines and get done earlier, but there is always this point where I think, "I've been in this line long enough, I'm gonna wait it out. They have to almost be done. Seriously."

7) I did Twitter this but, they make Swedish fish in multiple flavors. I had only seen them in red, and they were awesome. But orange! Man, incredible. On closer examination of the packaging though, the fish are not made in Sweden but CANADA! I thought I was eating authentic IKEA swedish fish only to see that they are in actuality Canadian fish.

6) I have a carpenter bee pandemic at my house. They are everywhere. Sure they don't have stingers, but man they fly inches from your face. They think you think they have stingers. If you just stand there long enough they give up. But anyway, I bought this bug killer stuff called SEVIN. It's a dust that a professional bug killer told me would kill carpenter bees. All you have to do is blow the dust up in the carpenter bee holes and and thy will get it on their fur when they go in the hole and it will kill them. They did not tell me that the stuff was eerily similar to the pathogen that infected Jack Bauer. This poor bee was going out of it's mind. And it was a slow agonizing death. They bee forgot how to fly. And it just writhed on the ground in pain for seriously 2 hours. It actually made me feel bad. But that bee wass eating my porch railing, so he got what he deserved.

5) I have determined that painting is the best type of home improvement. It has immediate impact. It's easy. When I get started, I just want to keep painting. I asked Jill If she wanted a yellow house. She told me to put the roller down.

4) I have a spot in my heart for the Orlando Magic and a spot in my brain for the Cleveland Cavaliers. I can't explain it, but if both teams could win, it would be awesome. I'm almost wishing Boston had beat Orlando so I could whole heartedly cheer for the Cavs. Game One I say to myself, I want the Cavs to win. They lose. I didn't watch game two except Lebron's game winning shot. But the other night I wanted the magic to win, and they did. Seriously I am conflicted.

3) Benjamin Button's case definitely was curious. But it showed me that every one wants to make the most of the time they have, even if it moves backward. Plus Brad Pitt is cool. And the special effects that made brad look old, and put his head on a body double was incredible.

2) Kennedy is growing up way to fast. Waving was enough for me for one week. But then she proceeds to crawl and pull herself up to her feet. I can't handle it. Seriously, too much for me. When she can walk I am going to freak out.

1) I learned my friends Darrell's dad is not doing well. He has bone cancer. He's had it for a couple years now. Some days he's good. But lately things have gotten bad. He has some cracks in his vertebrae. I told Darrell I would be praying for him and his family. But I immediately said, "I know that's not a tangible thing to make you feel better." I was sad by that. I know prayer is the answer, but it doesn't make me feel better. The fact is that cancer is still there, hurting his dad's body, and the families emotions. It made me think about my friend Kristi's blog that I read last week. She had been struggling with the fact that babies in Uganda die if their mothers can't produce milk. She was trying to figure out how God would let that happen. Just like how I can't understand why God let's good people get cancer, painful bone cancer. But Kristi said something, and it stuck with me. She said most of the suffering in the world that humans face is self-inflicted. The problem for Kristi is kids and babies dying of malnutrition while I have so much food that I get sick from eating so much, like at a Chinese buffet. And that just reminded me of the fact that our world is fallen. We are selfish. And while bad things happen, they are not because God wants them to happen. These things are a result of our sins. And the other thing, when I cry out to God in my pain, he hears me. He hears my prayers for Darrell and his dad. He knows the pain just like us. He sees everything we see and more. So I told myself that prayer is a big deal. I get to talk to the creator of the world and He listens. He hears me. He knows I'm not happy about the world being fallen. He knows I want everyone to understand what He is and what He's done for us.

I thank God for all the things he taught me this weekend. And I will continue praying all the more earnestly for God to pull us out of our fallen world. But truthfully, I know God wants all of us as Christians to make the world into the world He intended on our own, because that is free will.


Comments (3)

I think that you should just cheer for the Magic :) Nice post

hey Buddy,
sorry i've been out of touch but I've.....been out of touch and out of my mind busy with work. Gone are the days of sitting on Kristi's mom's couch and watching reruns of room raiders... wow...i've come a long way. anyway I will have to get you a picture of the mini chair so we can start our american marketing assualt. Enjoyed your blog and hope you and the fam are doing well.


We swedes figured out globalization long ago. Just look at your ikea furniture and you will quickly figure out that it is made all over the world. So why would we exclusively make our fish in Sweden when its cheaper in Canada? If you want real Swedish fish I will send you a bag.