2:29 PM
Fasting from Twitter
Category: facebook , gowalla , iphone 4 , twitter fast , words with friends
Did you know that Facebook recently passed Google as the site that has the most time spent on it? Did you know that Facebook is now a leading cause of divorce in America? Who hasn't lost 2 or 3 hours of our lives without even knowing it to the time-suck that is Facebook? This started creating a feeling. Maybe not like impending doom or anything, but it seemed like it was on the horizon.
I'm going to fast from my personal social media. I can't fast from the All Pro Sound social media. It's my job to put that stuff up. But from my own social network. I will not partake.
I'm not blaming her, but Jill is the reason why. She recently got an iPhone 4
So for two weeks, I'm off of Twitter, which is the only network I actively participated in anyway. I will tweet one last time to let people know that the Twitter fast has commenced. I believe that this fast will go much like food fasts, in that when I feel the twitter pangs in my stomach, I will pray for God's strength to get me through. Maybe I will cope with the lack of twitter by blogging...NO! No social media!! Are location based services social? I don't any friends on them, so does that make them unsocial? Quite the conundrum. I do love Gowalla, and I believe I will be going to some cool places over the next two weeks that may need to be cataloged into my Gowalla passport. If I don't share my check ins on twitter, is that still a social network fast?
I think this is a picture of what many Christians do. We start out with great intentions, fast to focus on God. But then we see how close to the line we can get. What doesn't go over the line but comes really close?
Maybe you can join me. If you want to join me from a twitter fast send a final tweet with a hash tag #twitterfast, time and date, and then let's do this together. Imagine what you'll be able to accomplish without reading tweets!
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